Consultation Riches

Unlock Your Potential with Consultation Riches

Discover Your Path to Consulting Wealth with Consultation Riches

Do you dream of turning your skills into a thriving consulting business? Would you like to monetize your skills and expertise effectively? Are you ready to transform your knowledge into a profitable consulting business?

Consultation Riches is Your Ultimate Guide To Building a Lucrative Consulting Business and Generating Big Income. This step-by-step resource equips you with strategies, tools and actionable steps to attract high-paying clients, grow your business and scale sustainably.

If you order Consultation Riches TODAY, You’ll Get 9 Training Videos (2 hours 28 minutes) and 11 Quality Resources (eBooks) to Start a Profitable Consulting Business.

Your Time Is Worth A Lot More Than You Think!…
You’re About To Discover A Shocking Revelation That The Gurus Don’t Want You To Know!

Dear Friend,

My name is Solomon Fadun, and I am a consultant, researcher, and entrepreneur.

You are worth A LOT MORE than what you might yourself credit for. And how do I know that? Most self-proclaimed Internet Gurus do an excellent job at dumbing other people down in a desperate attempt to sell their ‘make money course to honest, well-meaning Persons like you.

If you have bought and tried some of those ‘make money’ online courses, my intelligent guess is that most (if not all) of them are bogus- they don’t work!

You know at least a bit about Internet Marketing on the surface level. But up until now, you’re not making the kind of money you wanted… or the kind of money THEY promised you.

Look, I’m just saying it as it is. If what I said struck a nerve somewhere in you, that’s not my intention.

Or you won’t be here – of all the millions of sites you can browse freely on the world wide web! I know what it’s like to feel frustrated and low on self-esteem after trying out countless methods that would guarantee me instant riches.

Was I Deeply Disappointed!

If this sounds like the rut you’re in right now, I have a revelation for you.

This Will Come Across As A SHOCK To You… You’re Actually Worth A LOT More Than You Think!


…Or Even What The Internet Gurus Rate You.

Believe it or not – as long as you know a little about Internet Marketing… even basic knowledge…


Did you know that you can already be cashing in thousands of dollars – in a SINGLE day – with that stuff between your ears?

Before you think you’ve heard this pitch before… No, I’m about to sell you a product that guarantees overnight millions. I won’t insult your intelligence; far too many short-term thinking marketers are there to make a quick money.

How You Can Be Commanding Top Dollar Starting Today…

Do you know how to create a simple website? Make a simple squeeze page? Set up a WordPress blog? Write articles or content? How about creating graphics?

If your answer is YES to any of them, then YES, you can start making BIG money today. With skills like this, most people either take them for granted or think lowly of them. And why would you, when…


You Can Be Earning $1,500 – $5,000 In A Single Day… $10,000 A Week… Or Even $20,000 A Month!


With what you already know about Internet Marketing, you can be in the business of consulting other clients who are willing to pay top dollar like these.


Doubting you can do it? Case in point:

  • Why are some graphic designers charging $16 to $50 per design, and then there are people making $600 to $2,400 doing the same job?
  • There are clients paying up to $8,000 to have an online payment system set up for them… when it costs only $50 to $300 to sign up for a third-party payment processor!
  • Most one man marketers tend to write their own squeeze page or sales copy, but you can be asking for anywhere from $500 to $5,000 per task!


If you’re wondering if people are willing to pay this kind of money, you bet! And it doesn’t require you to hype things up or even rips people (if these thoughts ever occur to you!) You see, the clients you should be targeting are big companies or offline businesses that want to get a new channel of potential customers from the Internet. And this is where YOU come in!


Why You Should Target Big Companies & Offline Businesses…

Here are the reasons why you should target big companies and offline businesses:

  • They are your best type of customers. Healthy companies rarely have a financial problem but are often too busy with minor details. The boss of a high-profit company would rather outsource the work versus doing it on his own.
  • You can be the leader of your own market! Every offline business near your place of stay is your target customers. And even if you don’t consider this feasible because you’re geographically challenged, you can still find high paying clients through the Internet!
  • You don’t have to be a super expert. This cannot be any further from the truth. As long as you know a little more than what most of your clients know, and they’re willing to pay for your service, you can be in the consulting business! They don’t care about the who’s who Internet gurus – they only care about getting work done and find more business!
  • It’s easier to find 10 clients paying you $1,000 each for your service than 1,000 customers paying you $10 each for a cheap product.


I hope you’re excited about the possibilities now! This is how ‘newbies’ can truly generate a healthy monthly income from even the most basic knowledge on Internet Marketing!

And So What If You Know Absolutely NOTHING?

Not A Big Deal At All!

Get This… the word ‘newbie’ is an overused label. It all boils down to your self-confidence. How much do YOU think you are worth? Instead of letting other so-called ‘experts’ dumb you down and tell you how much THEY think you’re worth, isn’t it time you write any number you want on your check?


You can be a consultant if you have the basic knowledge.

What you need is a system – a systematic approach to finding, acquiring, and keeping clients… and raking in big paydays!

If you want a breakthrough and are sick and tired of working for others without being financially independent, this is it.

Introducing "Consultation Riches…”

Consultation Riches is your all-in-one solution for building a successful and profitable consulting business.

Consultation Riches is a comprehensive programme that simplifies the process of launching and growing a profitable consulting business.

Being a consultant is a self-employed business, so you depend on your time and effort, thereby being your own boss. But with my system, you will leverage your time and effort in exchange for high returns, earn more bang for the buck… all with less time and less effort!


With Consultation Riches, you’ll uncover proven strategies to build, grow, and scale a thriving consultancy—whether you’re just starting or ready to level up.

This resource covers every critical step, From identifying your niche to attracting high-paying clients and scaling sustainably.

If you order Consultation Riches NOW, you’ll get 9 Training Videos (2 hours 28 minutes) & 11 Quality Resources (eBooks) Instantly

What You Will Discover in Consultation Riches …

In Consultation Riches Training Videos, You’ll Discover …

Video 1: Consultation Riches – Content and Purpose (1:23 Mins)
This video introduces the product. It highlights the content and purpose of the training.

Video 2: Introduction To Your Consulting Business (14:10 Mins)
In this video, you will learn how the Secret Consulting Riches system works so you can implement it efficiently. You will also learn the exact tools that we use and that you can use to set up your Consulting business successfully.

Video 3: Determine Your Skills & What You’re Good At (13:30 Mins)
Before starting, you need to think about all your different skill sets. I’m going to help you find what you are good at. “But what if I’m not good at anything?” I highly doubt that. Everyone is good at something that can be monetized and there’s a buyers market out there for every skill. In fact, believe it or not, there is someone out there that wants to learn what you are good at. Now, you don’t need to figure out what you are providing just yet. We’re just in the brainstorming process at the moment.

Video 4: Research Your Market & Competition (24:23 Mins)
You need to figure out if there is truly a buyer’s market… and if so, what kind of competition in the consulting world, you face? The more competition, the better. However you don’t want too much competition, you only want enough, because that tells you that there is a buyer’s market. Think about it – if there wasn’t any competition, most likely there isn’t a big enough buyers’ market for you to make good money. So we’ll show you how to research your market and see whether or not the area you want to go into is profitable!

Video 5: Brainstorming: Figuring Out Your Services (17:59 Mins)
You will learn how to dig deeper, take the skill sets you listed, and determine what kind of services and consulting services you can offer. This will allow you to determine what you will offer, how you will help your customers, and how to make money.

Video 6: Create An Outline & Create Your Services (24:05 Mins)
Once you have done the proper brainstorming in video #6, it’s time to create a detailed outline of your services and create them. Templates are the key to this, so we’ll discuss how to plan your services and create templates and checklists to help you and your customers.

Video 7: Create & Setup Your Websites (22:21 Mins)
By now, you have your service in hand. It’s time to put it up on a landing page or a website. In this video, you will learn how to create and set up your landing pages/websites that will allow you to build your list, gather leads and communicate with them.

Video 8: Pre-launching Phase – How To Build Curiosity (12:34 Mins)
Before you launch your consulting gig, you need to build up curiosity. One of the biggest reasons launches fail is that no curiosity has been built up. While this is not required, this method will work as it is time-tested.

Video 9: Marketing: Identify Your Clients & Know Where They Are (7:20 Mins)
By now, you have the system in place. However, it’s time to market your consulting gig and services. It’s time to find out where your clients are hiding and get them connected to you. If you’ve researched this system correctly, you will learn how to get clients quickly and easily!


You will also get special bonuses Worth $965, consisting of 11 Quality Consulting and Consultation Resources to kickstart a profitable consulting business.

See the video below for information and an overview of Consultation Riches and Bonuses!

Yesterday Newbies.
Tomorrow, Rich Consultants!!!


If you purchase Consultation Riches today, you will get special bonuses worth $965:

Bonus 1: Consulting For Beginners  (386 Pages) –  Worth $197 (Free For You)
This book addresses the unique needs of new and experienced consultants and consultants-to-be. This comprehensive guide addresses everything you need to know to be successful and in demand. If you’re an experienced consultant, it will challenge you to shift your perspective and take a fresh look at your philosophies and techniques. The e-book also offers new approaches and methods to help you take your business to a higher level.

Bonus 2: How To Be a Successful Consultant (353 Pages) –  Worth $191 (Free For You)
This practical book will provide you with all the necessary tools to start and build a successful management consulting practice. It aims to help you create a successful and rewarding business consultancy.

Bonus 3: Start Your Own Consulting Business (15 Pages) –  Worth $47 (Free For You)
This eBook provides precise information and guides you on how to start your consulting business.

Bonus 4: How To Market Your Consulting Services Business (317 Pages) –  Worth $189 (Free For You)
This eBook provides comprehensive information and ways of marketing your consulting business. It also highlights valuable marketing plans and actions to grow your consulting business.

Bonus 5:  Consulting Business Start-up (51 Pages) –  Worth $57 (Free For You)
This resource provides valuable ideas and information for starting and managing your consulting business.

Bonus 6: Coaching Programme Fortune (51 Pages) –  Worth $57 (Free For You)
Many coaches need help to make the kind of rich returns they know are possible in this field. That’s because they leave one type of job only to take up another: coaching. Coaching one-on-one can make a living for you, but to reap huge profits, you must change your mindset from working a job to building a business. This ebook will show you how to take your passion for coaching and maximise your potential! It will help you to understand the difference between having a coaching job and establishing a coaching business.

Bonus 7: Consulting Wizardry (28 Pages) –  Worth $47 (Free For You)
Consulting is one of the most lucrative online opportunities if you’re looking to make some fast cash or are interested in building a long-term sustainable business. As a consultant or coach, you’ll guide your students or clients through a learning curve until they’ve accomplished a specific goal. This is one of those rare businesses where you don’t need a lot of clients to make a full-time income. Just a handful of regular clients will do the trick! This resource contains proven strategies for making money with your own coaching business.

Bonus 8: Branding Your Way To Success (21 Pages) –  Worth $54 (Free For You)
Branding is essential for any serious business, as a company’s brand differentiates it from its rivals. In today’s computer age, most companies need a net presence to remain competitive. An effective net branding, like its offline counterpart, helps bring cognisance to your unique business and drives buyer demand. This eBook will teach you how to brand your way to success and simple branding techniques for entrepreneurs.

Bonus 9: Customer Relationship Marketing (21 Pages) –  Worth $52 (Free For You)
CRM marketing is a powerful tool many marketers still overlook today, yet it can make you more efficient and increase your marketing efforts. These resources will help you to improve your CRM to benefit your marketing capability.

Bonus 10: Never Procrastinate Again (26 Pages) –  Worth $38 (Free For You)
If left unchecked, procrastination can become a bad habit that could eventually be hard to break. Most people don’t seem to realize that procrastination can cause them a lot of negativity; therefore, one should take the trouble to identify and eradicate this element. Get all the info in this eBook.

Bonus 11: Guides To Start & Run a Consulting Business (17 Pages) –  Worth $36 (Free For You)
The eBook will teach you how to succeed as a consultant by helping others businesses to succeed. It provides a guide to starting and running a consulting business.

If You Buy Consultation Riches TODAY, You’ll Get 9 Training Videos (2 hours 28 minutes) and 11 Quality Resources to Start a Profitable Consulting Business

Who Is This For?

  • Coaches, Freelancers, and Consultants: Perfect for those ready to elevate their game.
  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Ideal for individuals starting their consulting journey.
  • Professionals: Looking to escape the 9-to-5 grind.
  • Established Experts: Take your business to the next level with advanced strategies.

What You’ll Learn

1. Foundation for Success:

  • Identify your expertise and craft an irresistible offer.
  • Learn the consulting mindset to achieve consistent results.

2. Client Acquisition Blueprint:

  • Proven strategies to attract, pitch, and secure premium clients.
  • Secrets to effective networking and personal branding.

3. Revenue Maximization:

  • Price your services confidently and get paid what you’re worth.
  • Upselling and cross-selling techniques to increase client lifetime value.

4. Scaling Your Business:

  • Create repeatable systems to handle more clients without overwhelm.
    Learn how to grow your team and expand into new markets.

What Will You Get!

If You Order Consulting Riches NOW, You’ll Instantly Get 9 Training Videos (2 hours 28 minutes) and 11 Quality Resources To Start a Profitable Consulting Business.

  • Consulting Riches – 9 Course & Training Videos (2 hours 26 Minutes)
  • Consulting for Beginners – eBook (386 Pages)
  • Start Your Own Consulting Business – eBook (15 Pages)
  • How To Be a Successful Consultant – eBook (353 Pages)
  • How To Market Your Consulting Services Business – eBook (317 Pages)
  • Consulting Business Start-up – eBook (51 Pages)
  • Coaching Program Fortunes – eBook (51 Pages)
  • Consulting-Wizardry – eBook (28 Pages)
  • Branding Your Way To Success – eBook (21 Pages)
  • Never Procrastinate Again – eBook (26 Pages)
  • Customer Relationship Marketing – eBook (21 Pages)
  • Guides To Start & Run a Consulting Business – eBook (17 Pages)

Get 'Consultation Riches' and Special bonuses TODAY

Your Investment in Success!

For a fraction of what consultants charge for a single session, you’ll gain access to a resource that can transform your financial future.

Don’t let your expertise go underutilised. Turn your knowledge into a profitable business with Consultation Riches!


Limited-Time Offer!

Start building the consulting business of your dreams and achieving financial independence.

Time to turn your expertise into Consultation Riches!

Take the first step to financial freedom today. Claim Your Copy Now!

Get Your "Consultation Riches" TODAY

P.S. Don’t let the fear of not knowing limit your ability to make a substantial living online hold you back! This product alone will help you get good results faster than doing and figuring out all the fussy work by yourself!

P.P.S. Be smart! You can take advantage of this offer now while it is still fresh in your mind. I’m so confident that you’ll love the techniques used in this product. Take action now!